Ash Wednesday
February 22, 2023: 7AM (Morning Prayer) and 7PM (Holy Communion) The Imposition of Ashes to mark the start of the Lenten season will be offered at the Cathedral in the…
February 22, 2023: 7AM (Morning Prayer) and 7PM (Holy Communion) The Imposition of Ashes to mark the start of the Lenten season will be offered at the Cathedral in the…
Tuesday, Feb 21 from 5:00 to 7:00pm Everyone is invited to a supper of pancakes and sausages anytime between 5 and 7 pm on Shrove Tuesday, February 21. Supper is…
Sunday February 19 is "Sorrento Sunday at the Cathedral." The Rev. Michael Shapcott, Executive Director of the Sorrento Centre will preach and serve as Deacon at the Sunday services, and…
Christmas Festival of Readings and Music Sunday, December 18, 10amSeven scripture readings with the music and carols of the season. Monday, December 19, 7pmScripture and poetry, music and carols, with…
Sunday, December 18, 10am Monday, December 19, 7pm Two distinct Christmas Festivals of Readings and Music will be held as we trace the Christmas story through scripture readings, poetry, and…
Wednesday, November 2, 7:00pm An invitation to gather to honour and light a candle in memory of those near and dear to us who have departed this life and been…
For those unable to attend in-person, the Sunday 10:00am service is livestreamed on the Cathedral YouTube Channel.